Keeping your students motivated for the entire class period is something that is very difficult for most teachers to do. It is possible though. As a teacher is it our responsibility to recognize that students go to school for 40 hours a week, some have extra curricular activities on top of that. Then teachers add homework on to all of that. As a teacher, you need to use all of the time you have with the students to the fullest so there is no or very minimal (when necessary) homework.
As teachers there are many things that we can go to keep our students motivated in the classroom. One thing a teacher can do is stay in the students zone of proximal development. When students aren’t being pushed to do something that is very difficult most students will give up. On the other hand if the schoolwork is too easy, then students won’t try. Keeping in the ZPD is a great way to keep students motivated. Some students will need their schema’s to be adjusted. You will need to do this by fitting it in (assimilation) or completely reconstruct their schema (accommodation).
Other things teachers can do are not act as if they are better than the students, learn their names right away, show the students you respect them, make your expectations known to the class and keep the class relevant- don’t get off topic. By doing these, students will show respect for you, the teacher and will be motivated to work during the class time because they know the information is stuff they will need to use and know why they are needing to learn it.
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