My roommate was in my room and I asked her if I could take a few minutes of her time to ask a question. She willing agreed. I asked “How would you teach a second grader how to read?” Her eyes went bug-eyed and responded “ughhh hand them a book?” So, I realized I should narrow the topic. I thought about what I learned in second grade. I then asked “How would you explain the process of photosynthesis?” Once again looked at me as if I had four eyes, said “I don’t know how explain how I would explain that! I’m not an Ed. Major, I can’t do this stuff!”
I think it’s funny how everyone always says that “teaching is easy” or “gosh, I just wish I could be an Ed. Major/teacher so I didn’t have to do anything!” Yet, when asked how to explain something at a second grade level they’re unable to. I think this helped my roommate to realize that teaching is harder than it seems. She even said to me “wow Car, I never really thought about what you do.” Not going to lie, this made me really happy! J